The Cat Flap

Please close the flap quietly on your way out

Friday, August 29, 2003

Trust other people's knowledge.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

I'm going to put this just here: petrichor. Now I can find it if I forget it again.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

After a filthy, arduous bus journey home, I'm looking forward all the more to swimming in the Øresund next week.

The bus was packed. I sat to the right on the top deck, on a forward-facing seat, with an empty, single, side-on seat right in front of me, behind the stairwell. At each stop, people appeared at the top of the stairs, looked around for an empty seat, then dipped back down again.

No-one saw the empty seat, so it remained empty for the duration of the journey. It struck me that no-one could see it because it just wasn't what they were looking for.

Friday, August 22, 2003

I've noticed from the stats on this site, that I get many referrals from search engines.

On this site I've listed the BBC's 100 Big Read books, one of which is Animal Farm.

I've also listed a selection of porn from my work inbox.

I'm delighted to have people visit my site in the hope of finding "animal porn farm". I welcome you all.

Monday, August 18, 2003

I think this has been going on for years now, or perhaps it's more noticeable on email.

But yes, there seems to be a trend to use the phrase ASAP as an order, rather than a request.

It usually means As Soon As Possible.

And that might just be next week.

If you want something doing NOW (and I don't mean Never Open Wide), why don't you say it?

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Yet more bumff from work in tray, this one, rather topically, about stretch marks. What the?

FW: i have a new cream for stretch marks

look your best 24/7m1

picture downloading

feel better than before

rüsten (sich -) prepararse opening Öffne

A new game to play on the tube: porcine or pregnant?

If the answer's pregnant, please do give up your seat.

Monday, August 11, 2003

And then he was gone ^^

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Please don't spread your legs.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

A and I have pondered why it is that even tho we know full well that Mexicans regularly mince themselves whilst working to provide 'the West' with cheap food, we do so little to change these practices. And that it's far worse to know and do nothing, than not to know at all.

So is it a gene that makes you get off your arse to do something? Perhaps there's a nice, neat tablet we can take?

My £4.70 contribution a month to FoE probably just about covers their marketing pen-buying bill, but I guess it's a start.

This is my clarion parp.

Monday, August 04, 2003

Sometimes, when London is this hot, the city feels smaller than other days, and it makes me feel like Alice in Wonderland.

Friday, August 01, 2003

Hygienists are the unsung heroes, the Carlsberg of the dental world. Am I the only person in the world who really, really enjoys a visit?