Have spent the last couple of days holed up in a, admittedly gorgeous, hotel in Kent, dreaming up ways to get people to do things. I can't work out which is true, or even if it matters: do people want the things we want them to want? Do people only want the things they want because that's what we think they want, when in fact they don't want it all, but believe it's the only option? Stick with me here. Do people not want anything at all, but think they should be wanting or aspiring to something? Do we cause want or just facilitate it?
Not really got my thoughts together on this, but better out of my head than in.
And also spent the whole day with the person who interviewed me the other day and is thus, the person who will be shaping my life whether I want it or not. I either did a great job of it, or sparked off a further nationwide search for the perfect person.
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