The Cat Flap

Please close the flap quietly on your way out

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Lunch hour top 10 things you may or may not know about me:

1:: I once had a picture shown on 'Take Hart'
2:: I can name at least six different varieties of potato (and say 'I am a potato' in 10 languages)
3:: I have a retroverted uterus. If I had lived in an earlier century, I would've been called a witch and burnt at the stake for this
4:: I love cats
5:: I hate Terry's Chocolate Orange yet other people seem to love it. *Twitch*
6:: I was captain of the hockey team for five years (centre-half)
7:: I can dislocate my left shoulder when I feel like it
8:: My middle name is Jane
9:: I get really pissed off with dawdlers and meanderers - just get there for chrissake
10:: I've never been a bridesmaid


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